Macular Degeneration Week – How is your Macula?

Next week is Macular Degeneration Awareness week and the theme this year is how is your Macula?

Good nutrition is an important in maintaining macular health and to highlight this the foundation is looking for contributions to a Macula Menu.

Eye friendly ingredients include dark leafy vegetables and fish. The foundation is looking for healthy well balanced recipes which include ingredients from the following five food groups

1) Lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds
2) Vegetables, legumes and beans
3) Fruit
4) Grain (cereal) foods, which are wholegrain and/or high fibre varieties (low GI)
5) Milk, yoghurt, cheese

At Precision Eye Clinic we are all going to bring in our best recipes and submit them to the foundation using the template below.

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